Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What a beautiful day....

i woke up got dress for my morning run, the only thing that makes me want to start a new day, and was amazed how wonderful the world can be... i wish i had an unlimited metro because i would take advantage.. go to the park and re-read Thoreau.. like i told my brother David before sometimes i admire Thoreau for his wisdom but other times i loathe him for his ignorance.... but any who i adore Lugie he texted me and it just made me miss that kid even more it's like he could read my mind.. maybe he

so I'm sort of careless because i lost Emily's email address and phone number i hope she emails me or i might have to wait for the next community of hope to see her.. She was one of our new participants for this month and she seemed pretty awesome. She has been a vegan for one year and a vegetarian 3 years before.. which is awesome i've been a Vegan going on 4 years(WOW!) and prior to that i was a vegetarian for 3... We discussed recipes and health issues.. i think i just found myself a new friend plus she is my age so I'm excited.. i need to clean up my office maybe its still around....

i adore this man........ Gravity Rides Everything<3!..............

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