Monday, February 2, 2009

Another Day....

Today was a lot of fun. i guess the beautiful weather can bring out a lot in a person. Work was a blast and now I'm trying to finish up typing these cool recipes and activities for the next CommunitY of Hope this upcoming Sunday. This month's theme is LOVE thanks St. Valentine. So everything will consist of LOVE, we are going to decorate cards with the little guys and the adults are going to write Thank You cards for the troops over seas and I'm also going to show them many different activities they can do with their little ones since Valentine's Day falls on a Saturday. So they could just spend the day with the ones they love and cook in instead of dining out. I'm glad that we are finally going to have our first C.O.H event for 2009 YAY!.. I've been a horrible coordinator yes i have. But I'm back!

Well i must be in some sort of mood because I'm listening to Armor For Sleep.. hahaha straight up old school... i can't even hate because i remember in like 2004/2005 i found myself at tons of Armor For Sleep shows... what ever happened to those guys....blah

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