Saturday, February 21, 2009

I promise we'll swing for the fences...

........makes me feel so strangely but in a good way.. Look Mexico has amazed me with their old stuff i heard a couple of their new stuff but i think This is Animal music is by far a well put together CD... his voice has finally settled

well today i had a doctors appt which was back in my heart of Brooklyn.. haha met up with Tania and i think I'm over Red Bamboo... yeah whatever

I'm so glad i didn't pass out like the rest of the guys... Tony, Stacy and Tania are passed out downstairs and I'm wide awake.. it makes no sense for me to go to sleep now when i will be getting up in the next hour... so yeah i got to talk to my KARLos<3!.. i adore that kid.. He sent me a hug and kiss through Tania which i thought was extremely sweet....i can't wait until we get our matching t-shirts hahahaha it's like we are the same person but

this is going to be a sweet day.. gotta stay awake.... time to take on the big city..rawr wish me luck!!!

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