Friday, February 20, 2009

i've never felt this pain before and it feels WONDERFUL.....

haha Boy Problems was an amazing band just like Quantice too bad it had to end so quick but it felt wonderful when they were around... awwww why do all the great things come to an end but all the horrible things keeps up it's pace... we will never know...

so today i had an amazing run, i finished my 3 laps strong so i think next week I'm going to add an extra lap just to keep me wanting more.. I'm getting fitter by the day and I'm loving every bit of it so my next goal is to be consistent so i can shed these unwanted pounds and keep if off for good.... you only need three goals in life to say you've had a fun time..
1) staying Healthy
2) consume as much knowledge
3) practice affection

and so far I'm two out for three.......................

Tania is coming over for the weekend and Sunday we'll be in Philly.. i got money in the bank so this is going to be "FUN FUN FUN" in the words of Noah and that whale of

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