Saturday, November 6, 2010

Breakneck Speed

It's sad when you know that your roommate is avoiding you. But it's even worse when you don't know the reason. I shouldn't care so much but it just hurts to know that someone who sleeps so close could be so dangerous. I'm moving out in december and she probably wont know of this until that day.

I'm so over dorm life. I need to start my life. Find a job in the process so i'll be financially stable for awhile and able to save for the next adventure in life. I'm a little nervous. I don't have much saved up but i might have enough for a deposit if i decide not to go home for thanksgiving. I need a J-O-B, like fast!..

I can't wait to live on my own. It's about time, you know.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Her name is Jenn

So i have a new friend. I don't know what to make of her yet but i do know i sort of like her. We met at a mutal friend's place and then i ran in to her at the Koffee Kat today as we sat and talked awhile. I don't know man i like her. She seems like me a free spirit from Montana even thou i'm not from Montana but i am a free spirit.

She's a virgo. What is up with me and Virgos and she with Scorpios; she has many of them as friends. So we're going to hang out next wednesday night and i'm really looking forward to it. Once again I don't know but i really like her. Ha! yeah so i guess it's alright since i made a decision to stay here for another year... gives me sometime to get my shit togther....