Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Bio at the moment.. I'm at a 60 which is a F but if i pull 100s on all my exams and finish all of my lab assignments i would be in the rankings of a B B-.... i know i can do it.... i eat pressure....

last night my cousin and his family arrived from England and they are pretty sweet.. my little cousins are so big and they ask a lot of questions.. which i don't mind much.. i like that they ask why and not just take your word for things... that's awesome...

i popped my g- string on my guitar so maybe this weekend I'll hit up guitar center....

Ahhh... about to finish up so chem hw and then work on my study sheet for my bio exam....


Tuesday, March 25, 2008


i believe I'm becoming like Astrid the character in the novel White Oleander because i was a little jealous that i had to fight for attention to talk to Tilla.... i like her she's cool but that kid Lev likes her a lot to get with her.. i know I'm not sticking to her because i'm inlove with her culture.. i think i take a piece of everything with me especially the characters i read in my favorite novels.....

well i have a semi black eye... Slim made a mistake last night and hit me right in the corner of my eye hitting the corner where my nose forms with a hanger... ahh it hurt like hell and its all bruise now... its always fun and games until someone gets thanx slim thanx a whole lot....

my cousin and his family arrive today from London I'm pretty stoked.... so I'm going to finish typing my paper and maybe if I'm still up to it try to start doing my chem hw which i really should do because i have to start studying for my second exam in Bio... AHHHH

i can't wait to go to Paris.........

Thursday, March 20, 2008

it's U.S. not us....

well bio was a lot of fun even thou I've been finding the need not to attend.. I'm glad i did thou because i really don't need to fail and I'm becoming lazy and once again my weight seems like it is resulting..... i need to find a balance with myself so i can prosper...

I'm going to quit HT.. i emailed one of my professors about this music assistant gig.. which i believe will be beneficial to me.. i get at least 20 hours and its with bands i like.. one of them is Wilco.. that'll be exciting.. i need to meet new people and evolve because last night Joe made an excellent point... "we've worked here for three years and we're still part time".. that's just insane.. it never dawned on me that I'm never going to get the hours that i want nor more money if i continue to be a bottom feeder or just settle for whats given to me at the present moment.. i need to take life by the balls...

plus i need to get a new computer so i need to find something better.... I'll try to see if i could get half of the money for a mac and see if i could get a little help with the rest and then see if Alison could hook me up with something cheap and reliable.....

have to work tonight but the museum sounds like a plan tomorrow.. yay
so president bush stay away far away from me this time.. i really need to finish up my report...hahaha

oooh and i think i'll make tumblr.....


Monday, March 17, 2008

i'm sleep on the balcony...

so Bio Lab was pretty productive.. i took my first practical and i bombed it... but whatever I'll do better next time.. i have a better idea on how he test and i never got the email that outlined the exam for this morning....

class was fun we dissected a crayfish and a nematode which was pretty sad but i apologized to them over and over and Sedfree and i had a proper burial for our fallen crayfish.. while the other boys picked on the live crayfish who was a little vicious little thing but all so cute<3!...hahahaha

my crush on Ruben is just what it is.. .just a crush.. hahaha i knew it....

well I'm really loving my Victoria secret bra its amazing the support and the way it shapes my body.... i don't know they cost a lot but they are well worth it.. i think i might get another one today and try and save up for another at the end of April so i wont max out my card.....

gotta work tonight so I'm going to finish up my lab work before i leave here...

i adore them<3333333!
