Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I promise to be a nicer sleeper...

I'm awake, and I don't think i'll be sleeping anytime soon, le sigh. Maybe I should lie down again and see if it works. I will eventually. Today I looked at an apartment with Allison, and I'm excited. I hope we get it. I want it. I'm ready to move in now! A hidden gem. Music gives me peace. I wish I could find someone to play the music, I like listening to. I need to play more. SO i do hope i get that apartment, so ALlison and I can jam whenever we want all day/night long in our awesome duplex (: Living Room...

Sunday, June 17, 2012


I guess, I should post something. Something. I finally graduated from undergraduate studies. It was a long strange trip. mmm. I got an amp, and I've been having a lot of fun with it... .....This picture captures a Sunday.