Friday, January 2, 2009

this is the new year.....

2008 went out in a blast got to chill with Lookman, my home slice Tranette and her boo boo and her weird friend It was horrible when they left me with Jeremy but oooo so entertaining because of the fact he got off on torturing me and i got off allowing him too....Sorry Tranette i know you might read this..hahaha...

well our new years party was a success and everyone who said they were coming out came out.. got extremely smoked out with Trice, Justin, Stacy and corrupted Lookman just it was all in good fun.. Aunt Doris had a wonderful night which showed itself when she threw up on Lookman's carpet.. hahahahahahaha my dad was the worst he was so drunk he was dancing and screaming out the door "HAPPY NEW YEAR".. hahaha Stacy was a little scared of him but i found it hilarious.. awwww 2009 came in with a bang and a hell of a great time.. i'm so appreciative of my family and my true friends and glad to get rid of wasteful people in my life.. so here's to you 2009!!!..

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, I wish I could have seen that hahaha. I had so much fun with you guys that day in the city though. Definitely made December the best month I had last year. <3333 Love you!
