Thursday, January 15, 2009

i love...

waking up in the morning and feeling happy to be alive..haha I'm so ghey but I've been enjoying my past couple of days and i hope there are many many more to come... Daniel gave me shit about my s/n..hahaha he said it makes his skin crawl.. thanx Daniel thanx but i guess you are right it is time for a new s/n since this is the beginning of a new year.. I'll send it out to all my friends.. i would post it on here but i know someone that i don't want having might read this.. haha yeah KARLos calls me a cheat so i had to reset my these men in my life always trying to change me but like they said, "i am only looking out for your best interest", hahaha they are horrible but i love

but like i said before I'm happy to be alive and I'm thankful to be here yet another day.....


  1. Being alive is great! I just finished up my Fest report and I completely forgot to mention you in it, so I added you in to the first entry!

  2. hahaha SWEEET<3!.. i need to go check it out.. how come you waited so long to get it out.. i know if i would have wrote it now i probably would have forgotten i was

  3. shit man you and me both, you and me
