Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I blame the parents...

today i told one of my girls to stay with me on my side because she enjoys hanging out with the boys which they are not allowed to mix anymore.. So i told her to stay with me and she responds with "NO! What the ______!", she blanked out the curse but yet we all knew where she was going with it.... so i had to let her know listen I'm not your age and you're going to show me respect but what i really wanted to do was reach over that table and smack her little fucking face.. This little girl is out of control and this isn't the first time we went through this.. So after that when her father arrived to pick her up. I informed him of her behavior and he responds "she's a tom-boy what can i say".... now i see why she acts like that. Father dear if you knowing that she is a tom-boy helps you sleep at night more power to you but when your little girl comes home pregnant because she is a so called tom-boy we know who to blame......

shit I'm a tom-boy but my mother didn't play no games when it came to me being disrespectful... we need to bring the good old fashion beatings back!...... this is what's wrong with our youth today.....

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