Last night in Brooklyn at the SouthPaw, PTM was so amazing and these boys really know how to play their instruments, John Gourley wailing on the guitar as if he were Jimi Hendrix, while Zachary Carothers attempts spiral back bends on his bass.. haha these boys are groovie man... The drummer Jason Sechrist sort of remembered me, he didn't say hi but he stared as he walked by haha i know its been 3 long years since I've seen you guys and I've grown up and changed dramatically.. seriously I'm so dramatic.. i wanted to hang out after the show just to say hi but it's weird when you are alone at shows because of the awkwardness there after... Johnnie kept saying that this was their best show ever in New York but i think all of the Knitting Factory shows in the past were better.. Maybe because i had my crew there with me or maybe because there were so many DRUNK people spilling beer ALL OVER the place and then wining about how they're not going to buy another drink because they already spent 30 bucks on drinks and blah blah blah... But overall PORTUGAL. THE MAN are some Kickass Kats so if you like soul, indie, folk, blues, experimental, or just groovie music check them out then go see them live, they make everything go insane plus Johnnie's voice will make you want to live inside him. that is all......

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