It was a lot of fun but tons of work since i didn't have a food processor... i wonder how the people in the Middle East do it but whatever i did it without one... lol

i want to thank Mamoun's for the inspiration and Vegan with A Vengeance for the guidance....lol oooh and i want to thank my lovely mother for having Brunch with me.. She really enjoyed them i think more than i did and trust me they were really really good...lol.. So Lugie maybe before you leave for or after you get back from the Solomon Islands I'll make you a batch<3!

So I'm sort of bored with the music on my ipod and I've been finding new tunes to replace the old ones with.. ahhh I'm running out of space and everything i find is getting better and better...lol... well maybe they'll make the cut for next month YAY!... see here in Abbie Road's Music Land every one's a winner<3!....lol
Last thing before i disappear into the abyss... Saturday was Earth hour to make everyone aware of climate change and thanx for everyone who participated and no thank you to my neighbor Kelly for telling me he was going to turn on all of his lights for that hour.. he's horrible to me..lol.. well anyway before i went astray it rained hail last night and boy was it intense... interesting right.... we need to protect and treat our mother better than we treat ourselves, she's all we got left<3!
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