i'm ready for this i have an exam in 15 minutes and i have to say that i've been busting my butt for this so wish me luck.... luck!?!...
i didn't go to lecture yesterday i stayed at the show and it was okay but it kind of sucked because it was acoustic... Samuel was there and everyone knows how i feel about Samuel and what we could have been and what we are now.... crazy
I think my english professor fancies my writing.. i think i want to be a writer of something like that.. i enjoy writing but whose going to read my book.. no one.. maybe when i'm old and grey i'll publish my journals as "memiors".. hahaha what a loser....
So tonight im'm working at Hot Topic and tomorrow is my night off.. so i'm going to work on my sign language videos so that'll be done by next week to meet the deadline on next week thursday.. i got this no worries, i'm a doctor......lol
i bought a book yesterday from my other job spencers.... how to give a mind blowing blow job... hahaha so after i finish up my work and get ready for SPRING BREAK!... i'll be doing some educational reading.....so get ready Daniel<3...lol
i'll just end off with these two words........Anthony Green<3
woo im telling mommy you skipped class